第 4 章 傅里叶级数的一些应用
Fourier series and analogous expansions intervene very
naturally in the general theory of curves and surfaces.
In effect, this theory, conceived from the point of view
of analysis, deals obviously with the study of arbitra…
第 1 章 Fourier分析的起源
(The Genesis of Fourier Analysis)
Regarding the researches of dAlembert and Euler could
one not add that if they knew this expansion, they
made but a very imperfect use of it. They were both
persuaded that an arbitrary and d…
第6章 上的 Fourier 变换
It occurred to me that in order to improve treatment
planning one had to know the distribution of the at-
tenuation coefficient of tissues in the body. This in-
formation would be useful for diagnostic purposes and
would con…